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“I feel more confident this year.”


Be worthy.

Jared Costlychong is a senior at the Dearborn STEM Academy. He interned with us this summer, working on a research project to understand high school students’ perceptions of careers in biotechnology. He brought to the work his analytical ability to make connections across ideas, and he grew throughout the summer in his comfort conducting interviews, leading team worksessions, and giving presentations.

Jared’s willingness to push himself reminds us to show ourselves to the world and to give others the grace to show themselves as well. (He also taught us the difference between a mutant and a mutate: biotech in action!)

The project: Jared and his colleagues conducted research to understand high school students’ aspirations and values around career planning. You can see the learnings and webinar video here:
Our mission is to use design to reduce structural inequity in America. Agncy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  © 2025 Agncy Design Inc. 
Boston, Massachusetts