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“I’ve been accepted by three schools. But even though I’ve gotten in, I don’t know if I’ll succeed and that’s the scary part.”


Putting the learning into different hands can offer new insight.

Jeralmi Canela is a senior at the Dearborn STEM Academy in Roxbury, focused on the Computer Science pathway. He has worked with us for two years, first as an intern and then on a project basis.

This fall, Jeralmi interviewed high school students about how they think about and plan for their futures. Their conversations highlight the pressures that young people experience in planning for college and career.

Jeralmi reminds us that the right person for the job is not always us. His interviews with his peers reveal the importance of connection through relationships, shared experiences, and common language to draw out authentic responses.

The project: We are partnering with Julius Education to bring their industry-grade workforce development tools to high school students. Agncy is supporting a student-driven design process to create engaging and meaningful experiences to enable young people to build technical skills that are prioritized by industry.
Our mission is to use design to reduce structural inequity in America. Agncy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  © 2025 Agncy Design Inc. 
Boston, Massachusetts